Thursday, August 26, 2010

KC doing biz in Norway

Caption for photo from Aftenbladet newspaper...
Kevin Costner told Eve magazine that it is good to see Norway has been more successful than the US for security around oil recover. - "I see Norway as an ally," he said. Here along with partner Eric Hoek (right) and Patrick N. Smith, the exhibition area (Photo: Frederick Refvem)
Posted 8/26/10
Headline for article...
Costner will do business with Statoil
Kevin Costner to do business with Statoil, and has been meeting with the company during the ONS.

Link - Use Google Translate, in Norwegian:
*note: if this is true, we can only hope to see more of KC in Stavanger, Norway...
So the spotting fun & adventures is not over yet, there may be more coming soon...
Of course we like his message too, but it doesn't hurt to look at him while he's doing good work?!

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