From Blog: Chocolates - Chocolate brands, tastings & chocolateries
by Hal www.choc.olat.es/?p=41 on Apr 13th, 2008
Sjokoladepiken (Stavanger)
It is hard to find a chocolatier in Norway. Even in the capital Oslo there is none (except Freia, which is owned by Kraft General Foods). Norwegians usually buy chocolate boxes from the largest national and European manufacturers in supermarkets and grocery stores, however, in some cities you might find small chocolate shops or cafes where you can buy Belgian pralines, or in some cases even Norwegian pralines.
In Stavanger in the south-western part of Norway I stumbeled across a chocolatier called
It is hard to find a chocolatier in Norway. Even in the capital Oslo there is none (except Freia, which is owned by Kraft General Foods). Norwegians usually buy chocolate boxes from the largest national and European manufacturers in supermarkets and grocery stores, however, in some cities you might find small chocolate shops or cafes where you can buy Belgian pralines, or in some cases even Norwegian pralines.
In Stavanger in the south-western part of Norway I stumbeled across a chocolatier called
Sjokoladepiken, which means ”Chocolate Girl”. They are making their own pralines and truffles; expensive but delicious. After trying some of them I found my favorites: chocolate pralines with goat milk caramel filling, and pralines with passion fruit. Absolutely fabulous!
Under Construction, their webpage: www.sjokoladepiken.no
(Note: is a History up now, but cannot get it to translate from Norwegian)
Address: Øvre Holmegate, 4013 Stavanger
Phone: (+47) 472 01 983
E-mail: elise@sjokoladepiken.no
I can recommend this chocolatier to anyone visiting Stavanger, Norway. I have just been brought back a selection of their handmade chocolates and they have all been very good and quite unique. Nice focus on Norwegian flavours, use of cloudberry, lingonberry, forest fruits, goatsmilk, yoghurt.Good quality chocolate used too but I do not know what it is.Not much on their web site yet but here it is: http://www.sjokoladepiken.no/meny.php
Posted Oct 28, 2008 Jill in Devon, UK on SeventyPercent.com (a Chocolate Forum)
Places in Stavanger that deserve my money & places in Stavanger that don't
Sjokoladepiken: Newly opened chocolate store in Stavanger that makes their own chocolate and makes me wonder why anyone ever buy that s--t called Nidar. They have enthuastic staff too!
Posted by Miss Hermelin Monday March 10, 2008 on her Blog The Fortunate Events of Miss Hermelin www.misshermelin.blogspot.com
Note: our Yahoo Book Club meets here & so far I've only had tea - was lovely,
but next time Chocolate?! I haven't tried cloudberry anything yet here?!
Personal report to follow, after next month's meeting - chocolate & books?! mmm...
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