Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blog - O - versary

1st Blog - O - versary on Blogspot in 7 days for Rain in Stavanger...

Happy Blogoversary to me, Happy Blogoversary to me...

Free Coffee to anyone who comments this week
about How Rain in Stavanger has helped or entertained you -
or really just comment, that will do...

And will meet you in Sandnes next Tuesday* (insert time)
at my favorite Barista's Benk Kaffeebar for that free coffee...

Opps--next Tuesday is also the Stavanger ExPats Coffee at 11:00 am...
Come there then & we can still chat about Blogs or I can call that my
Blog - O - versary Coffee if no one can make it out to Sandnes later?!

But for my working ones, we can meet for after work or after dinner time
for coffee also - I'll have 2 coffees, 1 at my fav Kaffeebar?! mmm...

Tuesday at 17:00/5:00 pm is usually Cupping Night at the Benk,
come for a free taste of different roasted coffees for the evening...

(photo: at Gladmat, Benk Kaffebar Barista
under the Aftenbladet tent)

Come & have a chat about Blogs too
& maybe let's plan a Blog Gathering in Stavanger,
like they are in Oslo this month?! hmm...

I've been using the Blogoversary counter to keep track of this,
never have before in Houston or in Doha--if I added them
all up I'm sure I'd have over 4-5 yrs going, but will just
celebrate this 1st in Stavanger, Norway while I'm still here?!

OK, that's been offiicially counted that is - really I've been
here 2 yrs end of Sept & started blogging a month out from
that nearly while still in Houston...but am going with the counter?!
(did no one catch that, could of been a comment...)

Any excuse to celebrate - and - drink good coffee!!

Happy Blogoversary to me...and many more?!
but I should save the singing for next week...


Top Photo: The Small Object Shop
Link: http://thesmallobject.com/

Benk Kaffeebar webpage/blog Link: http://www.benkkaffebar.no/

*Note: about next Tuesday, it is rumored that there's an IKEA 2011 catalog launch party going on in Norway - right now am none too sure it's just in Oslo, I think their only other choice is in Stavanger for Norway locations...



  1. Happy Blog - O - versary!! Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Thanks & same to you Fonda, on your Design Blog & The Stavanger Expats...but I read them mostly from Facebook, need to figure out how to do that too?! Good to see you girls today & getting the tour of the secret rooftop garden with a view of the city?!
