Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Snasa Man aka Wizard of Snasa

from (Google Translate)...

Joralf Gjerstad (born April 11, 1926 in Snåsa) is known as a psychic and healer with "hot hands".
Gjerstad is from Snåsa in Nord-Trondelag , and is known as "Snåsa Man", or locally as "Snåsa old man" ("Snåsakaill'n").
Gjerstad was born into humble and got only five years of schooling.
He has since worked in agriculture and 16 years who watches in the Norwegian Church. Gjerstad has written several local history books, as well as autobiographies.
Gjerstad said that he already knew as a child he had extraordinary abilities.
He claims that there were psychics in his family and this ability to see was strong with him.
He adds that he long tried to push away the skills that were sometimes hard to live with.
But as 21-year-old soldier in Germany Brigade was predicted by an elderly woman he randomly met that he would be known throughout Norway through to help people.
In addition, he has free treated thousands of people through fifty years - and apparently healed many of them with their hot hands and diagnostic psychic.
Joralf Gjerstad has received the King's Medal of Merit in silver.
In autumn 2006 sent NRK a producer documentary about him titled Do you know the heat?.


In autumn 2008 published Ingar Sletten Kolloen article Snåsa man.
The book became a bestseller after a few weeks.
Previously, an editor and journalist Arvid Erlandsen written autobiography with a warm heart and warm hands!: sorcerer Joralf Gjerstad from Snåsa (2000).
"Milk and cream, cheese and butter": dairy agricultural history in Snåsa 1888-1988. 1988 1988
From general store to the warehouse: a trade association life and fate 1878-1989. 1990 1990
Snåsninger and other Norwegians in Vesterled, 1998..
Of good will: memories of life and work, 2004..
To stand in the light, 2006...


The warm hands . Dagbladet (November 17, 2008).November 2008 (2008-11-24).
A documentary about him that aired on NRK 09.10.2006; cf NRK Trøndelag: Snåsakaill `n gets hundreds of letters (10/12/2006)
Dagbladet: King's honor for Joralf warm hands (01/23/2002)
Hand Orders heater . NRK (9 October 2006). November 2008 (2008-11-24).
he correctly predicts sales figures too? . Dagbladet (November 6, 2008). November 2008 (2008-11-24).

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Has created a foundation In Oslo, Gjerstad with him documents of a new foundation to help disabled children. He will visit the Parliament to inform them about using the fund he founded. He has long thought about how he can contribute to help people even after he no longer is able to help with whimsy. Now he hopes the politicians can help to contribute. Compassion is something he misses in the busy everyday life. To share some of his thoughts the king had performed in his New Year speech. Published Wednesday, 1/23/2002
Newspaper link:
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*My personal favorite tidbit about this most interesting man is
that he could of been the Oracle from North Dakota, USA?!

Opted out AMERICA:
After some years in Lillehammer would Joralf and his wife Signe Marie emigrate to the United States.
I was working on a cattle farm in North Dakota, but my parents wanted us to come home to Snåsa instead. And that was it, "Joralf.
Here he is on the gravel road leading to the farm he was servant in his youth.
Note: all photos have been borrowed from the articles of Dagbladet or NRK

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