Seminar given on Tuesday the 19th of January 2010:
"Katharina Janauschek...
will explain the intricate task of understanding culture – a useful seminar for anyone living outside their home country.
For those who live and work abroad, it is sometimes amazing how different people in other cultures behave. We tend to have a human instinct that ‘deep inside’ all people are the same – but they are not.
Therefore, if we live and work in another country and make decisions based on how we operate in our own home country – the chances are high to make some very bad decisions.
Katharina Janauschek...
is a tertiary qualified business psychologist who was working as HR generalist, internal trainer and coach. She will guide us through and share her expertise about cross-cultural awareness.
This seminar will help people from different countries to understand the differences between Norwegians and their own culture better to be more effective when interacting.
At the moment Katharina is setting up her own coaching business in Stavanger focusing on expat and career coaching. Her aim is to encourage re-thinking by offering new ideas and thoughts. Katharina has lived in 4, worked in 9 and traveled to over 35 countries."
Note: seminar was hosted by Stavanger-Chamber of Commerce,
this blurb borrowed from their webpage at:
(also noted in Stavanger ExPats webpage at:
Further Suggested Reading Links from Katharina:
Culture Shock Graph (from Katharina's seminar pps):
"In the following graph, you see a summary of the different stages:"
(sidenote: this graph has been reinvented untold times, but where is the original?!)
My Note: what I needed was a down to earth/on the streets version for me?! But--Hey, for "free" how can I whine?! Thank goodness the Chamber of Commerce is trying here in Stavanger, in English, & I had the most useful/thoughtful Orientation/Introduction to Stavanger & Norway given there at the RosenkildeHuset (the Rosenkilde House) when I first arrived--thanks to Inger for that & have been on many a tour out & about, in & around Stavanger, with happy/helpful Rachel as well throughout this past year or more?!
Link - Rosenkilden/INN (Int'l Network of Norway) webpage in English:
*that's Rachel, see how happy?! :oD