Saturday, August 23, 2008
Where am I
Where am I...
where by sight could fit in with blonde hair,
or blue eyes,
tho' never with my use of language...
not my natural tongue...
Vaer sa god
Note: Images borrowed from Wikipedia, blue eyeball...
Blonde goddesses from Norse Mythology - Sif & Freyja...
Also, this & all the days above were reflections from house hunting trip
Stavanger, Norway - Aug 2nd to 7th
Now to return to move there after 22nd of Sept for 2 yrs or more...
So, more images/photos/words/notes to come...
(e-mail me if I've forgotten to fwd you the Facebook photo album)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Northern Lights
Northern Lights...
Yet to be encountered, but will be in the land of the midnight sun...
which I had thought was just Alaska or the North Pole, but find out Norway too!
Does make sense that the "northern" lights would show up in "North-way"?!
I'm going to fantasyland--& we're not talking Disney either!!
Note: See
Read more at their webpage...
Northern Lights - see the Northern Lights in Norway
The Northern Lights - nature's own light show - are solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole, forming arches, waves and curls of light moving across the sky, with sudden rays of light shooting down from space.The Northern Lights are visible between November and March when the sky is clear, depending on the Northern Lights activity.
The best place to see the Northern Lights is in the Northern parts of Norway, and the area around the Arctic city of Tromso offers a maximum of Northern Lights activity.
The Northern Lights - nature's own light show - are solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole, forming arches, waves and curls of light moving across the sky, with sudden rays of light shooting down from space.The Northern Lights are visible between November and March when the sky is clear, depending on the Northern Lights activity.
The best place to see the Northern Lights is in the Northern parts of Norway, and the area around the Arctic city of Tromso offers a maximum of Northern Lights activity.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Old magic I think lives here...
and I've just begun to discover...
it by charmed spell - of gnome, or fairy, or giant...
Note: borrowed the art from - Ernst Josephson: Strömkarlen
entitled: The water sprite, 1884...And I'll bet you were thinking,
water sprites were just females - which you can find a lot more
images of of course?!
And while looking for images found another new artist, photographer -
if you're interested in more interesting faery photos, then check him out too...
See images on under Neville Colmore - what he calls "Fatagravure"
They are marvelously mysterious, now will await my chance at catching even the faintest glimpse when I'm there in the water...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Three swords
Three swords...
a girl child told her mother...
there must be giants living here...
when she saw the 3 towering swords...
standing in the rock by the water...
They stand where a long ago battle...
was won or lost (depending on who's talking) by the fjord...
Did you hear in Hafrsfjord how hard they fought the high born king against Kjotve the Rich. ships came from the east wanting to fight, with threatening throats of dragon fierce. -
written by Torbjørn Hornklove, court poet to King Harald Fairhair
Other Attractions on
Swords in Rock
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Plums & Apples & Potatoes
grape purple or champagne pink colored...
selling in the town square market, even as we left...
then Norwegian apple's season is next...
someone told me they thought they were sour...
which makes for good pies I've heard (but I don't bake, yet?!)
follow sometime (July/Aug/Sept?) - have read that the first potatoes of the season...go to the King (or I'm thinking to the Royal kids...
or Queen Mom probably is more like it?!)
Note: borrowed fruit photos from Google Images, Flickr...
King & Queen photo from the Danish Royal Watchers?! Now there's a job - how 'bout the Norwegian Royal Watchers? just don't know...was sorry to find out the Royal kids aren't so, it's more like potatoes for the Royal Grandkids instead?!
grape purple or champagne pink colored...
selling in the town square market, even as we left...
then Norwegian apple's season is next...
someone told me they thought they were sour...
which makes for good pies I've heard (but I don't bake, yet?!)
follow sometime (July/Aug/Sept?) - have read that the first potatoes of the season...go to the King (or I'm thinking to the Royal kids...
or Queen Mom probably is more like it?!)
Note: borrowed fruit photos from Google Images, Flickr...
King & Queen photo from the Danish Royal Watchers?! Now there's a job - how 'bout the Norwegian Royal Watchers? just don't know...was sorry to find out the Royal kids aren't so, it's more like potatoes for the Royal Grandkids instead?!
And Hey--Wait a minute! I was told that nobody carries umbrellas in Norway? hmmm...looks like formal ones here that the King & Queen are carrying, must look into that (after I've already bought a rain suit?! & another rain jacket & a long rain coat & more Crocs for the rain & so on...)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
passing strawberry fields under canopies lit up...
looking at first like modern art installations at night...
driving toward the airport at Sola & remember strawberries...
at dinner in sauce with a round of vanilla ice cream on the side...
taste of them melting on my tongue still remains, mmm...
Note: cannot find an image anywhere of the green houses lit up at night on the way to the airport in Sola, Norway - I'm guessing they were strawberries growing up them, but could be any produce under the lights...I think I'll have to just take my own photo of, to add at another date...
Borrowed these strawberry images from Google Images, the last dish is actually frozen dessert you can find it says in the grocers--could not find my actually lovely dessert in sauce with the round of ice cream to the side, will probably not return there sadly either considering how expensive dinners out are (someone told me, feels like morgaging the house to go out & eat--like $60 bucks for family of 4 to go out to--McD's?!)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Star fish
Star fish...
read the fjords are made of sea water & so there's sea life--like huge star fish...
though these fjords appear to be lakes from the shore, they are the seas fingers...
dug far inland to play among the rocks they push up (see Pulpit Rock for one...)
or perhaps lonely come to visit the land & trees or for fun toss small boats around...
Spiny Starfish
Note: photos borrowed from Wiki Commons & Flickr -
hope to find my own starfish & get photos of my own soon?!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Note: forests aerial views to spot the spots can be seen on
First 2 Brunhildes from ClipArt & last art, don't find the credit for it under images...
And I thought the name was spelled Brunhilda...
was also thinking of something like It's not over until the Fat Lady sings right?!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
have sailed these waters in the fjord viewed from our Norwegian Wood Chalet...
the back windows, up & down, look out on where battle boats may have landed...
there's a fire ring in the forest next door, could it be a Viking camp revisited?! (or the Midsummer's Night Bon Fire--can't wait for next year's?!)
Note: Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway
Archealogical, Maritime, & Stavanger Museums in Stavanger, Norway
Festivals in Stavanger, Norway - Midsummer Celebration (June)
Local newspaper in English -
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mushroom Stools
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
wearing flower cup caps from flowers I've never seen before
(even in books)
are in the flower beds by the front drive...
Note: Art borrowed from...
Richard Doycle
"Fairy Queen Takes an Airy Drive"
"Teaching Birds to Sing"
& John Anster Fitzgerald
"Chase of the White Mice"
Photo real tiny daisies from a flower bed in Stavanger...
tiny enough for a fairy? hmmm...